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CAiMIRA models

This module implements the core CAiMIRA models.

The CAiMIRA model is a flexible, object-oriented numerical model. It is designed to allow the user to swap-out and extend its various components. One of the major abstractions of the model is the distinction between virus concentration (ConcentrationModel) and virus exposure (ExposureModel).

The concentration component is a recursive (on model time) model and therefore in order to optimise its execution certain layers of caching are implemented. This caching mandates that the models in this module, once instantiated, are immutable and deterministic (i.e. running the same model twice will result in the same answer).

In order to apply stochastic / non-deterministic analyses therefore you must introduce the randomness before constructing the models themselves; the caimira.monte_carlo module is a good example of doing this - that module uses the models defined here to allow you to construct a ConcentrationModel containing parameters which are expressed as probability distributions. Under the hood the caimira.monte_carlo.ConcentrationModel implementation simply samples all of those probability distributions to produce many instances of the deterministic model.

The models in this module have been designed for flexibility above performance, particularly in the single-model case. By using the natural expressiveness of Python we benefit from a powerful, readable and extendable implementation. A useful feature of the implementation is that we are able to benefit from numpy vectorisation in the case of wanting to run multiple-parameterisations of the model at the same time. In order to benefit from this feature you must construct the models with an array of parameter values. The values must be either scalar, length 1 arrays, or length N arrays, where N is the number of parameterisations to run; N must be the same for all parameters of a single model.

Activity Class

class Activity(inhalation_rate: float | numpy.ndarray, exhalation_rate: float | numpy.ndarray)

Bases: object

exhalation_rate : float | ndarray

Exhalation rate in m^3/h

inhalation_rate : float | ndarray

Inhalation rate in m^3/h

types : ClassVar[Dict[str, Activity]] = {'Heavy exercise': Activity(inhalation_rate=3.3, exhalation_rate=3.3), 'Light activity': Activity(inhalation_rate=1.25, exhalation_rate=1.25), 'Moderate activity': Activity(inhalation_rate=1.78, exhalation_rate=1.78), 'Seated': Activity(inhalation_rate=0.51, exhalation_rate=0.51), 'Standing': Activity(inhalation_rate=0.57, exhalation_rate=0.57)}

Pre-populated examples of Activities.

AirChange Class

class AirChange(active: models.models.Interval, air_exch: float | numpy.ndarray)

Bases: Ventilation

active : Interval

The interval in which the ventilation is operating.

air_exch : float | ndarray

air_exchange(room: Room, time: float) → float | ndarray

Returns the rate at which air is being exchanged in the given room at a given time (in hours).

Note that whilst the time is known inside this function, it may not be used to vary the result unless the specific time used is declared as part of a state change in the interval (e.g. when air_exchange == 0).

CO2ConcentrationModel Class

class CO2ConcentrationModel(data_registry: DataRegistry, room: Room, ventilation: _VentilationBase, CO2_emitters: SimplePopulation)

Bases: _ConcentrationModelBase

Class used for the computation of the CO2 concentration.

property CO2_atmosphere_concentration : float

CO2_emitters : SimplePopulation

Population in the room emitting CO2

property CO2_fraction_exhaled : float

min_background_concentration() → float | ndarray

Background CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (in ppm)

normalization_factor() → float | ndarray

Normalization factor (in the same unit as the concentration). This factor is applied to the normalized concentration only at the very end.

property population : SimplePopulation

Population in the room (the emitters of what we compute the concentration of)

removal_rate(time: float) → float | ndarray

Remove rate of the species considered, in h^-1

CO2DataModel Class

class CO2DataModel(data_registry: DataRegistry, room: Room, occupancy: IntPiecewiseConstant, ventilation_transition_times: Tuple[float, ...], times: Sequence[float], CO2_concentrations: Sequence[float])

Bases: object

The CO2DataModel class models CO2 data based on room volume and capacity, ventilation transition times, and people presence. It uses optimization techniques to fit the model’s parameters and estimate the exhalation rate and ventilation values that best match the measured CO2 concentrations.

CO2_concentration_model(exhalation_rate: float, ventilation_values: Tuple[float, ...]) → CO2ConcentrationModel

CO2_concentrations : Sequence[float]

CO2_concentrations_from_params(CO2_concentration_model: CO2ConcentrationModel) → List[float | ndarray]

CO2_fit_params() → Dict

data_registry : DataRegistry

occupancy : IntPiecewiseConstant

room : Room

times : Sequence[float]

ventilation_transition_times : Tuple[float, ...]

Cases Class

class Cases(geographic_population: int = 0, geographic_cases: int = 0, ascertainment_bias: int = 0)

Bases: object

The geographical data to calculate the probability of having at least 1 new infection in a probabilistic exposure.

ascertainment_bias : int = 0

Number of new cases confidence level

geographic_cases : int = 0

Geographic location new cases

geographic_population : int = 0

Geographic location population

probability_meet_infected_person(virus: Virus, n_infected: int, event_population: int) → float | ndarray

Probability to meet n_infected persons in an event. From

probability_random_individual(virus: Virus) → float | ndarray

Probability that a randomly selected individual in a focal population is infected.

ConcentrationModel Class

class ConcentrationModel(data_registry: DataRegistry, room: Room, ventilation: _VentilationBase, infected: InfectedPopulation, evaporation_factor: float)

Bases: _ConcentrationModelBase

Class used for the computation of the long-range virus concentration.

evaporation_factor : float

infected : InfectedPopulation

Infected population in the room, emitting virions

infectious_virus_removal_rate(time: float) → float | ndarray

normalization_factor() → float | ndarray

Normalization factor (in the same unit as the concentration). This factor is applied to the normalized concentration only at the very end.

property population : InfectedPopulation

Population in the room (the emitters of what we compute the concentration of)

removal_rate(time: float) → float | ndarray

Remove rate of the species considered, in h^-1

property virus : Virus

CustomVentilation Class

class CustomVentilation(ventilation_value: models.models.PiecewiseConstant)

Bases: _VentilationBase

air_exchange(room: Room, time: float) → float | ndarray

Returns the rate at which air is being exchanged in the given room at a given time (in hours).

Note that whilst the time is known inside this function, it may not be used to vary the result unless the specific time used is declared as part of a state change in the interval (e.g. when air_exchange == 0).

transition_times(room: Room) → Set[float]

ventilation_value : PiecewiseConstant

EmittingPopulation Class

class EmittingPopulation(number: int | models.models.IntPiecewiseConstant, presence: models.models.Interval | None, activity: models.models.Activity, mask: models.models.Mask, host_immunity: float, data_registry:, virus: models.models.Virus, known_individual_emission_rate: float)

Bases: _PopulationWithVirus


Total volume of aerosols expired per volume of exhaled air (mL/cm^3). Here arbitrarily set to 1 as the full emission rate is known.

emission_rate_per_aerosol_per_person_when_present() → float | ndarray

The emission rate of infectious respiratory particles (IRP) in the expired air per mL of respiratory fluid, if the infected population is present, in (^3)/(mL.h). This method returns only the diameter-independent variables within the emission rate. It should not be a function of time.

known_individual_emission_rate : float

The emission rate of a single individual, in virions / h.

Expiration Class

class Expiration(diameter: float | ndarray, cn: float = 1.0)

Bases: _ExpirationBase

Model for the expiration. For a given diameter of aerosol, provides the aerosol volume, weighted by the mask outward efficiency when applicable.

aerosols(mask: Mask)

Total volume of aerosols expired per volume of exhaled air considering the outward mask efficiency. Result is in^-3.

cn : float = 1.0

diameter : float | ndarray

diameter of the aerosol in microns

property particle : Particle

The Particle object representing the aerosol

ExposureModel Class

class ExposureModel(data_registry: DataRegistry, concentration_model: ConcentrationModel, short_range: Tuple[ShortRangeModel, ...], exposed: Population, geographical_data: Cases, exposed_to_short_range: int = 0)

Bases: object

Represents the exposure to a concentration of infectious respiratory particles (IRP) in the air.

concentration(time: float) → float | ndarray

Virus exposure concentration, as a function of time.

It considers the long-range concentration with the contribution of the short-range concentration.

concentration_model : ConcentrationModel

The virus concentration model which this exposure model should consider.

data_registry : DataRegistry

deposited_exposure() → float | ndarray

The number of virus per m^3 deposited on the respiratory tract.

deposited_exposure_between_bounds(time1: float, time2: float) → float | ndarray

The number of virus per m^3 deposited on the respiratory tract between any two times.

Considers a contribution between the short-range and long-range exposures: It calculates the deposited exposure given a short-range interaction (if any). Then, the deposited exposure given the long-range interactions is added to the initial deposited exposure.

expected_new_cases() → float | ndarray

The expected_new_cases may provide one or two different outputs: : 1. Long-range exposure: take the infection_probability and multiply by the occupants exposed to long-range. 2. Short- and long-range exposure: take the infection_probability of long-range multiplied by the occupants exposed to long-range only, plus the infection_probability of short- and long-range multiplied by the occupants exposed to short-range only.

Currently disabled when dynamic occupancy is defined for the exposed population.

exposed : Population

The population of non-infected people to be used in the model.

exposed_to_short_range : int = 0

Total people with short-range interactions

geographical_data : Cases

Geographical data

infection_probability() → float | ndarray

long_range_deposited_exposure_between_bounds(time1: float, time2: float) → float | ndarray

long_range_fraction_deposited() → float | ndarray

The fraction of particles actually deposited in the respiratory tract (over the total number of particles). It depends on the particle diameter.

population_state_change_times() → List[float]

All time dependent population entities on this model must provide information about the times at which their state changes.

property repeats : int

reproduction_number() → float | ndarray

The reproduction number can be thought of as the expected number of cases directly generated by one infected case in a population.

Currently disabled when dynamic occupancy is defined for both the infected and exposed population.

short_range : Tuple[ShortRangeModel, ...]

The list of short-range models which this exposure model should consider.

total_probability_rule() → float | ndarray

HEPAFilter Class

class HEPAFilter(active: models.models.Interval, q_air_mech: float | numpy.ndarray)

Bases: Ventilation

active : Interval

The interval in which the HEPA filter is operating.

air_exchange(room: Room, time: float) → float | ndarray

Returns the rate at which air is being exchanged in the given room at a given time (in hours).

Note that whilst the time is known inside this function, it may not be used to vary the result unless the specific time used is declared as part of a state change in the interval (e.g. when air_exchange == 0).

q_air_mech : float | ndarray

HVACMechanical Class

class HVACMechanical(active: models.models.Interval, q_air_mech: float | numpy.ndarray)

Bases: Ventilation

active : Interval

The interval in which the mechanical ventilation (HVAC) is operating.

air_exchange(room: Room, time: float) → float | ndarray

Returns the rate at which air is being exchanged in the given room at a given time (in hours).

Note that whilst the time is known inside this function, it may not be used to vary the result unless the specific time used is declared as part of a state change in the interval (e.g. when air_exchange == 0).

q_air_mech : float | ndarray

HingedWindow Class

class HingedWindow(active: Interval, outside_temp: PiecewiseConstant, window_height: float | ndarray, opening_length: float | ndarray, number_of_windows: int = 1, min_deltaT: float = 0.1, window_width: float | ndarray = 0.0)

Bases: WindowOpening

Top-hung or bottom-hung hinged window (with the hinge parallel to horizontal plane).

property discharge_coefficient : float | ndarray

Simple model to compute discharge coefficient for top or bottom hung hinged windows, in the absence of empirical test results from manufacturers. From an excel spreadsheet calculator (Richard Daniels, Crawford Wright, Benjamin Jones - 2018) from the UK government - see Section 8.3 of BB101 and Section 11.3 of ESFA Output Specification Annex 2F on Ventilation opening areas.

window_width : float | ndarray = 0.0

Window width (m).

InfectedPopulation Class

class InfectedPopulation(number: int | models.models.IntPiecewiseConstant, presence: models.models.Interval | None, activity: models.models.Activity, mask: models.models.Mask, host_immunity: float, data_registry:, virus: models.models.Virus, expiration: models.models._ExpirationBase)

Bases: _PopulationWithVirus


Total volume of aerosols expired per volume of exhaled air (mL/cm^3).

emission_rate_per_aerosol_per_person_when_present() → float | ndarray

The emission rate of infectious respiratory particles (IRP) in the expired air per mL of respiratory fluid, if the infected population is present, in (^3)/(mL.h). This method returns only the diameter-independent variables within the emission rate. It should not be a function of time.

expiration : _ExpirationBase

The type of expiration that is being emitted whilst doing the activity.

fraction_of_infectious_virus() → float | ndarray

The fraction of infectious virus.

property particle : Particle

The Particle object representing the aerosol - here the default one

IntPiecewiseConstant Class

class IntPiecewiseConstant(transition_times: Tuple[float, ...], values: Tuple[int, ...])

Bases: PiecewiseConstant

value(time) → float | ndarray

values : Tuple[int, ...]

values of the function between transitions

Interval Class

class Interval

Bases: object

Represents a collection of times in which a “thing” happens.

The “thing” may be when an action is taken, such as opening a window, or entering a room.

Note that all intervals are open at the start, and closed at the end. So a simple start, stop interval follows:

start < t <= end

boundaries() → Tuple[Tuple[Time_t, Time_t], ...] | Tuple

transition_times() → Set[float]

triggered(time: float) → bool

Whether the given time falls inside this interval.

Mask Class

class Mask(η_inhale: float | numpy.ndarray, η_exhale: NoneType | float | numpy.ndarray = None, factor_exhale: float = 1.0)

Bases: object

exhale_efficiency(diameter: float | ndarray) → float | ndarray

Overall exhale efficiency, including the effect of the leaks. See CERN-OPEN-2021-004 (doi: 10.17181/CERN.1GDQ.5Y75), and Ref. therein (Asadi 2020). Obtained from measurements of filtration efficiency and of the leakage through the sides. Diameter is in microns.

factor_exhale : float = 1.0

Global factor applied to filtration efficiency of masks when exhaling.

inhale_efficiency() → float | ndarray

Overall inhale efficiency, including the effect of the leaks.

types : ClassVar[Dict[str, Mask]] = {'Cloth': Mask(η_inhale=0.225, η_exhale=0.35, factor_exhale=1.0), 'FFP2': Mask(η_inhale=0.865, η_exhale=None, factor_exhale=1.0), 'No mask': Mask(η_inhale=0, η_exhale=0, factor_exhale=1.0), 'Type I': Mask(η_inhale=0.5, η_exhale=None, factor_exhale=1.0)}

Pre-populated examples of Masks.

η_exhale : None | float | ndarray = None

Filtration efficiency of masks when exhaling.

η_inhale : float | ndarray

Filtration efficiency of masks when inhaling.

MultipleExpiration Class

class MultipleExpiration(expirations: Tuple[_ExpirationBase, ...], weights: Tuple[float, ...])

Bases: _ExpirationBase

Represents an expiration of aerosols. Group together different modes of expiration, that represent each the main expiration mode for a certain fraction of time (given by the weights). This class can only be used with single diameters defined in each expiration (it cannot be used with diameter distributions).

aerosols(mask: Mask)

Total volume of aerosols expired per volume of exhaled air considering the outward mask efficiency (mL/cm^3).

expirations : Tuple[_ExpirationBase, ...]

weights : Tuple[float, ...]

MultipleVentilation Class

class MultipleVentilation(ventilations: Tuple[_VentilationBase, ...])

Bases: _VentilationBase

Represents a mechanism by which air can be exchanged (replaced/filtered) in a time dependent manner.

Group together different sources of ventilations.

air_exchange(room: Room, time: float) → float | ndarray

Returns the rate at which air is being exchanged in the given room at a given time (in hours).

transition_times(room: Room) → Set[float]

ventilations : Tuple[_VentilationBase, ...]

Particle Class

class Particle(diameter: None | float | ndarray = None)

Bases: object

Represents an aerosol particle.

diameter : None | float | ndarray = None

diameter of the aerosol in microns

fraction_deposited(evaporation_factor: float = 0.3) → float | ndarray

The fraction of particles actually deposited in the respiratory tract (over the total number of particles). It depends on the particle diameter. From W. C. Hinds, New York, Wiley, 1999 (pp. 233 – 259). evaporation_factor represents the factor applied to the diameter, due to instantaneous evaporation of the particle in the air.

settling_velocity(evaporation_factor: float = 0.3) → float | ndarray

Settling velocity (i.e. speed of deposition on the floor due to gravity), for aerosols, in m/s. Diameter-dependent expression from When an aerosol-diameter is not given, returns the default value of 1.88e-4 m/s (corresponds to diameter of 2.5 microns, i.e. geometric average of the breathing expiration distribution, taking evaporation into account, see evaporation_factor represents the factor applied to the diameter, due to instantaneous evaporation of the particle in the air.

PeriodicInterval Class

class PeriodicInterval(period: float, duration: float, start: float = 0.0)

Bases: Interval

boundaries() → Tuple[Tuple[Time_t, Time_t], ...] | Tuple

duration : float

How long does the interval occur for (minutes). A value greater than period signifies the event is permanently occurring, a value of 0 signifies that the event never happens.

period : float

How often does the interval occur (minutes).

start : float = 0.0

Time at which the first person (infected or exposed) arrives at the enclosed space.

PiecewiseConstant Class

class PiecewiseConstant(transition_times: Tuple[float, ...], values: Tuple[float | numpy.ndarray, ...])

Bases: object

interval() → Interval

refine(refine_factor=10) → PiecewiseConstant

transition_times : Tuple[float, ...]

transition times at which the function changes value (hours).

value(time) → float | ndarray

values : Tuple[float | ndarray, ...]

values of the function between transitions

Population Class

class Population(number: int | IntPiecewiseConstant, presence: Interval | None, activity: Activity, mask: Mask, host_immunity: float)

Bases: SimplePopulation

Represents a group of people all with exactly the same behaviour and situation, considering the usage of mask and a certain host immunity.

host_immunity : float

mask : Mask

The kind of mask being worn by the people.

Room Class

class Room(volume: float | numpy.ndarray, inside_temp: models.models.PiecewiseConstant = PiecewiseConstant(transition_times=(0, 24), values=(293,)), humidity: float | numpy.ndarray = 0.5, capacity: int | None = None)

Bases: object

capacity : int | None = None

The maximum occupation of the room - design limit

humidity : float | ndarray = 0.5

The humidity in the room (from 0 to 1 - e.g. 0.5 is 50% humidity)

inside_temp : PiecewiseConstant = PiecewiseConstant(transition_times=(0, 24), values=(293,))

The temperature inside the room (Kelvin).

volume : float | ndarray

The total volume of the room

SARSCoV2 Class

class SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum: float | numpy.ndarray, infectious_dose: float | numpy.ndarray, viable_to_RNA_ratio: float | numpy.ndarray, transmissibility_factor: float, infectiousness_days: int = 14)

Bases: Virus

halflife(humidity: float | ndarray, inside_temp: float | ndarray) → float | ndarray

Half-life changes with humidity level. Here is implemented a simple piecewise constant model (for more details see A. Henriques et al, CERN-OPEN-2021-004, DOI: 10.17181/CERN.1GDQ.5Y75)

infectiousness_days : int = 14

Number of days the infector is contagious

ShortRangeModel Class

class ShortRangeModel(data_registry: DataRegistry, expiration: _ExpirationBase, activity: Activity, presence: SpecificInterval, distance: float | ndarray)

Bases: object

Based on the two-stage (jet/puff) expiratory jet model by Jia et al (2022) -

activity : Activity

Activity type

data_registry : DataRegistry

dilution_factor() → float | ndarray

The dilution factor for the respective expiratory activity type.

distance : float | ndarray

Interpersonal distances

expiration : _ExpirationBase

Expiration type

extract_between_bounds(time1: float, time2: float) → None | Tuple[float, float]

Extract the bounds of the interval resulting from the intersection of [time1, time2] and the presence interval. If [time1, time2] has nothing common to the presence interval, we return (0, 0). Raise an error if time1 and time2 are not in ascending order.

jet_origin_concentration(infected: InfectedPopulation) → float | ndarray

The initial jet concentration at the source origin (mouth/nose). Returns the full result with the diameter dependent and independent variables, in virions/m^3.

normalization_factor(infected: InfectedPopulation) → float | ndarray

The normalization factor applied to the short-range results. It refers to the emission rate per aerosol without accounting for the exhalation rate (viral load and f_inf). Result in (^3)/(mL.m^3).

presence : SpecificInterval

Short-range expiration and respective presence

short_range_concentration(concentration_model: ConcentrationModel, time: float) → float | ndarray

Virus short-range exposure concentration, as a function of time. Factor of normalization applied back here. Results in virions/m^3.

SimplePopulation Class

class SimplePopulation(number: int | IntPiecewiseConstant, presence: Interval | None, activity: Activity)

Bases: object

Represents a group of people all with exactly the same behaviour and situation.

activity : Activity

The physical activity being carried out by the people.

number : int | IntPiecewiseConstant

How many in the population.

people_present(time: float)

person_present(time: float)

presence : Interval | None

The times in which the people are in the room.


SlidingWindow Class

class SlidingWindow(active: ~models.models.Interval, outside_temp: ~models.models.PiecewiseConstant, window_height: float | ~numpy.ndarray, opening_length: float | ~numpy.ndarray, number_of_windows: int = 1, min_deltaT: float = 0.1, data_registry: = )

Bases: WindowOpening

Sliding window, or side-hung window (with the hinge perpendicular to the horizontal plane).

data_registry : DataRegistry =

property discharge_coefficient : float | ndarray

Average measured value of discharge coefficient for sliding or side-hung windows.

SpecificInterval Class

class SpecificInterval(present_times: Tuple[Tuple[Time_t, Time_t], ...] | Tuple)

Bases: Interval

boundaries() → Tuple[Tuple[Time_t, Time_t], ...] | Tuple

present_times : Tuple[Tuple[Time_t, Time_t], ...] | Tuple

A sequence of times (start, stop), in hours, that the infected person is present. The flattened list of times must be strictly monotonically increasing.

Ventilation Class

class Ventilation(active: models.models.Interval)

Bases: _VentilationBase

active : Interval

The interval in which the ventilation is active.

transition_times(room: Room) → Set[float]

Virus Class

class Virus(viral_load_in_sputum: float | numpy.ndarray, infectious_dose: float | numpy.ndarray, viable_to_RNA_ratio: float | numpy.ndarray, transmissibility_factor: float, infectiousness_days: int)

Bases: object

decay_constant(humidity: float | ndarray, inside_temp: float | ndarray) → float | ndarray

halflife(humidity: float | ndarray, inside_temp: float | ndarray) → float | ndarray

infectious_dose : float | ndarray

Dose to initiate infection, in RNA copies

infectiousness_days : int

Number of days the infector is contagious

transmissibility_factor : float

Reported increase of transmissibility of a VOC

types : ClassVar[Dict[str, Virus]] = {'SARS_CoV_2': SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum=1000000000.0, infectious_dose=50.0, viable_to_RNA_ratio=0.5, transmissibility_factor=1.0, infectiousness_days=14), 'SARS_CoV_2_ALPHA': SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum=1000000000.0, infectious_dose=50.0, viable_to_RNA_ratio=0.5, transmissibility_factor=0.78, infectiousness_days=14), 'SARS_CoV_2_BETA': SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum=1000000000.0, infectious_dose=50.0, viable_to_RNA_ratio=0.5, transmissibility_factor=0.8, infectiousness_days=14), 'SARS_CoV_2_DELTA': SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum=1000000000.0, infectious_dose=50.0, viable_to_RNA_ratio=0.5, transmissibility_factor=0.51, infectiousness_days=14), 'SARS_CoV_2_GAMMA': SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum=1000000000.0, infectious_dose=50.0, viable_to_RNA_ratio=0.5, transmissibility_factor=0.72, infectiousness_days=14), 'SARS_CoV_2_OMICRON': SARSCoV2(viral_load_in_sputum=1000000000.0, infectious_dose=50.0, viable_to_RNA_ratio=0.5, transmissibility_factor=0.2, infectiousness_days=14)}

Pre-populated examples of Viruses.

viable_to_RNA_ratio : float | ndarray

viable-to-RNA virus ratio as a function of the viral load

viral_load_in_sputum : float | ndarray

RNA copies / mL

WindowOpening Class

class WindowOpening(active: models.models.Interval, outside_temp: models.models.PiecewiseConstant, window_height: float | numpy.ndarray, opening_length: float | numpy.ndarray, number_of_windows: int = 1, min_deltaT: float = 0.1)

Bases: Ventilation

active : Interval

The interval in which the window is open.

air_exchange(room: Room, time: float) → float | ndarray

Returns the rate at which air is being exchanged in the given room at a given time (in hours).

Note that whilst the time is known inside this function, it may not be used to vary the result unless the specific time used is declared as part of a state change in the interval (e.g. when air_exchange == 0).

property discharge_coefficient : float | ndarray

Discharge coefficient (or cd_b): what portion effective area is used to exchange air (0 <= discharge_coefficient <= 1). To be implemented in subclasses.

min_deltaT : float = 0.1

Minimum difference between inside and outside temperature (K).

number_of_windows : int = 1

The number of windows of the given dimensions.

opening_length : float | ndarray

The length of the opening-gap when the window is open (m).

outside_temp : PiecewiseConstant

The temperature outside of the window (Kelvin).

transition_times(room: Room) → Set[float]

window_height : float | ndarray

The height of the window (m).